Krav Maga of Orange County Event Reservation

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College Prep - Self Defense Seminar - May 10 2025

Date/Time: 5/10/2025 10:00:00 AM
Location: Irvine

Krav Maga of Orange County is hosting 3- hour College Prep self-defense training seminar . This Training will be held on May 10th, from 10:00 - 13:00 am at the Irvine location.

The seminar is free for members and $105 for nonmembers.

The Krav Maga College Prep Program has been carefully developed with valuable input from law enforcement officials, criminal prosecutors, psychologists, physicians, and rape prevention counselors. The seminar deals specifically with how and where students are commonly attacked. Students are taught how to safely and effectively fend off an attacker with punches, elbows, knees, and kicks. More importantly, students learn how to defend themselves from worst case scenarios, i.e. when they are already in a choke, bear hug, or headlock whether standing up or on the ground.

The seminar incorporates training methods to build student's fighting spirit and to train them how to respond both mentally and physically in a time of need, eliminating the danger of freezing, or shutting down in confrontations. Students receive hands on training in simulation based scenarios that may include attacks at ATMs, parking lots, etc.

In this seminar you will learn verbal and body language skills that can prevent an attack, as well as defenses against physical threats. To heighten the realism and adrenal response, in some seminars you might be practicing your self-defense techniques using full-contact against heavily padded assailants. During the seminar, these practical reactions to varying levels of modern threats will become ingrained into your psyche and become automatic reactions.

There are 45 spots available for this event.
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